petek, 16. januar 2015

Medtem... / While...

... ko hiška in zemlja počivata, tudi mi počivamo. Kreativni počitek je to, ko se krešejo misli in ideje, kako našo ponudbo še popestriti. Letošnja novost bo tudi otroški kotiček, v katerem bo stala tudi tale kuhinja, v celoti narejena iz odpadlih in recikliranih materialov. Skoraj končana. Zraven "pečemo" jajčka s sirom in salamico. :-) Otročki, dobrodošli!

...our house and garden soil have their beauty winter sleep, we rest too. Creative nap we do - brainstorming what novelties to offer this year. One of them will be children playing corner with this kitchen, that we made out of recycled materials. Almost done. Meanwhile we "bake" eggs, with cheese and salami. Children, welcome!

petek, 2. januar 2015

Novoletna poslanica / New Year's Message

Dear Friends, we wish you peaceful, healthy, loving and creative 2015!
                                                                    the Skvor Family :-)

Okrepčilo / Refreshment