torek, 15. november 2016

Najprej delo, potem nagrada / Hard work was rewarded :)

Robidisce, 10.12.2016

Narejeno na Robidišču / Made in Robidišče

Prijateljice, ki vsakič znova impresionirajo. Karkoli jim daš, naj bo to zrnje, regrad, star kruh, radič, jajčne lupine, ostanke mineštre... vedno je rezultat enak. :-)

Our friends, that impress us every single day: whatever you give them, either salat, grass, old bread, corn or just yesteday's soup, the result is always the same: one egg a day. An egg with a taste.

petek, 4. november 2016

Tokrat pa skrajni vzhod / This time from most Eastern village of Slovenija

Veste, katera je skrajna vzhodna slovenska vasica? Najverjetneje še niste slišali za Pince. Mala prekmurska vasica v občini Lendava, tipična obcestna gradnja. Podobno kot na Robidišču se vasica konča z mejo, tam seveda madžarsko. Menda sonce tam vzide in zaide 6 minut prej kot na skrajnem zahodu naše domovine.

They say the sunset in Pince, most eastern village of Slovenia, is 6 minutes faster than in mostwestern village Robidišče. But both villages have more common similarities: they are bost very small, less developed and both end with the border. In Pince there is hungarian border. But still they are very different - Pince lies by the main street, like other typical panonian villages.

Pa še ena iz okolice... / One from the surroundings...

... in dve iz vrha Lendavskega Vinariuma. / ...and two pics from the top of Vinarium Tower in Lendava, most eastern municipality of Slovenia.