ponedeljek, 23. junij 2014

Robidišče: stičišče človeških zgodb // Robidišče and the people you may meet

Prodajalec vin Nathan iz Chicaga, ki je sredi noči prišel iz Goriških Brd, se je odpravljal na kolesarski krog po Benečiji, medtem ko je Sergej iz Novosibirska malo Maryo-Mašo učil streljati z lokom. Naš poplavljenec Zoran iz Prijedora je Simonu pomagal zabijati steho, opazoval ju je smejoči Avstrijec iz Villacha s prijateljico. Vse to je gledala še Petra iz Financ (in nastal je tale članek) ... Neskončno naporen dan, ki takole na koncu prinese občutek neskončne sreče. Kot je rekel Zoran, ko sva nabirala maline: "Život je zaista zanimljiv."

Nathan, a wine seller from Chicago, was just taking off to his bike route through the Veneto region, while Sergey from Russian Novosibirsk was teaching little Marya-Masha how to shoot a bow. Zoran from the Bosnian town of Prijedor, who lost almost everything in the recent devastating floods, helped Simon fix the roof, while the kids enjoyed the company of a smiling Austrian visitor from Villach and his friend and Petra, a journalist from Slovenian newspaper Finance, who later wrote a nice article describing her experience in Robidišče ... It was a long and exhausting, but infinitely joyous and rewarding day. "Life is a curious adventure," said Zoran while we were picking raspberries in the garden. Wouldn't you agree?

nedelja, 1. junij 2014

Bi jajčka na oko? // How do you like your eggs?

Sveža jajčka direktno iz kokošnjaka v ponev in na krožnik. Dober tek!

Fresh eggs directly out of the henhouse. Thrown in the pan and ready to be served. Bon appetit!