Robidisce, 10.12.2016
torek, 15. november 2016
Narejeno na Robidišču / Made in Robidišče
nedelja, 6. november 2016
petek, 4. november 2016
Tokrat pa skrajni vzhod / This time from most Eastern village of Slovenija
They say the sunset in Pince, most eastern village of Slovenia, is 6 minutes faster than in mostwestern village Robidišče. But both villages have more common similarities: they are bost very small, less developed and both end with the border. In Pince there is hungarian border. But still they are very different - Pince lies by the main street, like other typical panonian villages.
nedelja, 30. oktober 2016
Robidišče v Barceloni / We are in Barcelona...
Da bi bili na tekočem z najnovejšimi trendi v svetu turističnih ponudnikov nastanitev, smo se udeležili velikega srečanja v Barceloni, Vacation Rentals World Summit 2016. Soočenje ponudnikov v najvecjih mestih, na podeželju, v bolj in manj razvitih turističnih destinacijah s predstavniki,, je bilo živahno in zanimivo. Tehnologija nas vse malo prehiteva, sploh nas, na podeželju, a hkrati imamo ta trenutek bistveno manjše skrbi kot denimo Paola, ki oddaja luksuzno stanovanje s pogledom na Eiflov stolp v Parizu...
Da smo veliko naredili, vemo. Da smo na pravi poti, se je potrdilo. Da nove ideje uresničimo, pa nas motivira.
To get to know the latest trends in vacation rentals industry we joined the Vacation Rentals World Summit 2016 in Barcelona. Rentals from all over the world, more and less developed regions, providers such as, have had a chance to face each other and exchange opinions, experiences... Great experience with a clear goal, to provide a great service to our guests.
We found out we might lack behind with the technology, but we are on the right way. New ideas are there, so is the motivation.
sreda, 17. avgust 2016
Ivanac / Monte Joanaz (1167 m)
torek, 16. avgust 2016
Kartoline naših gostov... / Images for our guests...
ponedeljek, 11. julij 2016
Na svidenje, Karmen...
tisi, ki smo ostali za teboj...