četrtek, 22. januar 2009

Črna kuhinja / Black kitchen

Težko si je predstavljati, da je v tej črni kuhinji živela gospa še slaba štiri desetletja nazaj. Življenje pri odprtem ognju, brez stekel na oknih, da se dim zvali ven vsaj toliko, da se da živeti...

Zapuščeno kuhinjo so pred leti vaščani in nekateri prostovoljci pod okriljem Goriškega muzeja uredili v muzejček, ki je sedaj odprt za obiskovalce vasi. Spet pa se ponavlja zgodba z nerešenim lastništvom in kakšnega resnejšega upravljanja ne more biti...

Na tem mestu hvala vsem, ki niso odnesli predmetov s seboj. Tistim, ki so se odločili drugače, pa želja, da jim je odtujitev prinesla v življenje srečo...?

photo: Irma and Dritan Kabaj

It is hard to imagine that o women lived in this black kitcen less then for decades ago. Life near open fire and no windows so that smoke could escape and one could breath...

Abandoned kitchen was tided up several years ago by locals, volunteers and Goriški museum into an open museum. Again we face here with the unsolved ownership so that organised managing of the museum is not possible.

At this point we would like to thank to all fair people that were not taking the exhibits away. To those, who deceided other way, we just hope that it at least made their life happier...?

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