O tem, da je imelo Robidišče nekoč okrog 300 ljudi, smo že pisali. Da jih je danes še 5, tudi. Zato smo toliko bolj veseli, ko se nam javijo tisti, ki so kraj zapustili. In tako je priromalo pred časom tole pisemce: "Hello! My name is Jean-Luc, I am French. My mother's family come from Robidisce with the name CENCIC Martha. I was always fascined by the mystery of the Robidiscian people: from where they came? I know very well this little pretty place. Last time I was there it was February 2007 and Igor Cencic, my cousin, informed me that if I want to have information of the history of Robidisce, a woman from Nova Gorica had written a book on this subject. I have no more news. I hope to find also the origins of my ancients parents./My grandfather was Joseph Cencic my grandmother was Cencic Angela, my uncle Mirko Cencic was married with Cencic Marija and they have left Robidisce to work in Argentina, Buenos Aires .................in 1945. If you want keep contact with me for informations or photos, write me please . I live in France department Moselle north est. It schould be a pleasure to read you. Merry Christmas and happy new year . Sorry for the bad english!" Jean-Luc je rojen leta 1951 v Algrange, Francija. Njegovi stari starši, Jožef (roj. 1889) in Angela (1899) so odšli s trebuhom za kruhom zaradi prve svetovne vojne - leta 1922. Ustalili so se regiji Lorraine, ker je bilo tam veliko železovih rudnikov in možnosti za delo. Starima staršema so se rodili otroci Vida (1921), Marta (1931), Irena (1939) in Mirko (1919). Jean-Luc je poročen z Josephine imata malega otročka Evana, rojenega pred natanko letom dni. Upam, da se kmalu srečamo.
In tu je nekaj starih fotografij, o letnici še ne vem podatka, sklepam pa da so stare vsaj 20 let:
Pogled na vstop v vas. Desne stavbe ni več, tam je sedaj gostilnica, leva pa je obnovljena in precej drugačna.
Pogled na Italijo
Jean-Luc, Rozalija in Josephine
Jean-Luc pred hišo številka 13, preden je bila obnovljena.
"Hello! My name is Jean-Luc, I am French. My mother's family come from Robidisce with the name CENCIC Martha. I was always fascined by the mystery of the Robidiscian people: from where they came? I know very well this little pretty place. Last time I was there it was February 2007 and Igor Cencic, my cousin, informed me that if I want to have information of the history of Robidisce, a woman from Nova Gorica had written a book on this subject. I have no more news. I hope to find also the origins of my ancients parents./My grandfather was Joseph Cencic my grandmother was Cencic Angela, my uncle Mirko Cencic was married with Cencic Marija and they have left Robidisce to work in Argentina, Buenos Aires .................in 1945. If you want keep contact with me for informations or photos, write me please. I live in France department Moselle north est. It schould be a pleasure to read you. Merry Christmas and happy new year . Sorry for the bad english!"
Jean-Luc was born in Algrange, France. His grandparents, Joseph (born 1889) and Angela (1899) have emigrated in 1922 due to the 1st world war to Lorraine region in France, since there were many iron mines and opportunity to work. They have had 4 chilldren: Mirko (1919), Vida(1921), Marta (1931) in Irena (1931). Jean-Luc is married to Josephine and has a small boy Evan (2006). Hope to meet them soon!
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