ponedeljek, 23. junij 2008

Potka / Path

2 komentarja:

Anonimni pravi ...

i'm max from udine, my mom is from robidisce!

if you want, contact me at autechre@tin.it

i should be there the next weekend (i hope) for a picnic with relatives (one uncle owns the house in front of the old school, at the top of the hill), in any case i will make a trip during this summer

maybe you are my cousin, who knows

Staša pravi ...

Hi, Max, se we will meet next weekend :) do you have a picknick with Janko?

we have our nona and nono living in the old school. just stop by and ask for stasa and simon...

PS: I am not you cousin for sure, because I am indirecly connected to the village, but someone else from the house could be...