četrtek, 3. julij 2008

Majčke / T-shirts

Bodo približno nekaj v tem smislu. Logo bo Matjaž še malce dodelal... napis Robidišče gre v zgornji kot, streha na levi pa ven. Morda bo napis v obeh jezikih na eni majčki. Bomo videli, kaj bo rekel mojster.
Otroške številke bodo v vanilija barvi, dekliške v vijola in svetlo modri, moške v temno sivi, ženske pa v črni barvi. Zaenkrat.
Veliko dela... sproducirati navadno majčko. Še več... uskladiti vse okuse.

Will be a bit like this. Slight changes will apply for sure after the meeting with Matjaž. Colour of the T-shirt will depend: vanilia for children, violet or sky blue for girls, dark grey for men and black for woman. For now.
Quite a work... to "produce" a simple T-shirt. Even more... to agree on the design.

1 komentar:

Anonimni pravi ...

i don't know, my mom called my uncle Jozko and he said that my aunt will be there in the afternoon of tomorrow, so we decided to go the next weekend (and i really hope!), i said to my mom that if we find the shirts, i will buy one to her ;)

i was looking at your cool blog, even the photos of Jože and Ana....you don't know how many juices i drank there from the age of 4 to the of 23 more or less ;)

hope to see you soon

ps: i don'0t know janko but my mom said "oh...he's an engineer, i know him"...if it's correct, we will see...bye!