sreda, 13. maj 2015

Luč! / I see the light!

22 dni naše kampanije množičnega financiranja na TravelStarter je za nami in ker nas pridno podpirate in opogumljate, mi še bolj pridno in hitro delamo. Super je tole. Veliko je lepih besed spodbude, ki tudi precej pomenijo. Hvala še enkrat vsem in vsakemu posebej.

In kratko poročilce preteklih dni: v spodnje prostore je prišla lučka! Še posebej sem vesela, ker je na račun Mini Eco Spa prišla luč tudi v sosednjo galerijo. Končno si bodo obiskovalci lahko normalno ogledali razstavo starih fotografij, izdelkov kamnosekov, starih predmetov ali pa izbrali knjigo v mini knjižnici. Vse to smo sedaj reševali z žarnicami na podaljških, ki so lani skoraj zanetile požar.

Takole pa izgleda galerija v nekdanjem hlevu z lučmi. Še enkrat hvala, ker soustvarjate našo zgodbo. Vaša imena bodo na vidnem mestu. (uf, in naslednja akcija: pospravljanje galerije in urejanje zbirk)

After 22 days of our crowdfunding campaing on TravelStarter we are very much encouraged thanks to your kind contributions! So we are working even faster on the project. It feels great, to co-create the ideas with you! We are getting a lot of nice and flattering words from you. Thank you once again!

And here is the little report about latest works from last days: we have the light in the rooms! We are very happy expecially because we have the light now also in the Gallery, thanks to Eco Mini Spa project, because the rooms are just next to each other. And finally it will be possible for the visitors to see the old pictures and other things in the lihgt. Untill now we had a very improvised and dangerous solution for the electricity...

And this is how the lightened gallery and place for spa looks like now. Thank you again to cooperate in our Robidisce story. We will place the names of people who contribute on the wall here. (I know, we have to tidy up the place now:-))

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