Če so bili moški nepogrešljivi pri snovanju domov iz težkih kamnitih gmot, pa so gotovo ženske tiste, ki so skrbele za tople domove, skrbele za družine in si dajale druga drugi moč v teh težkih krajih.
Tudi me, ženske Robidišča 2023, smo se zbrale, si zakurile ogenj, naredile njoke z omako iz domačega žajblja ter se menile in menile.
V mislih na tiste, ki jih danes ni bilo z nami fizično, a so del Robidišča, del dediščine, del tradicije v tranziciji. 6 žensk, 4 jeziki.
Hvala, do naslednjič, ko nas bo še več. Ustvarjale bomo belo močenje.
Rika, Dana, Lucija, Valerija, Loredana in Staša
"As a recent transplant from the huge town of Celje, I can't tell you how delighted I was to be part of a woman's gathering here in Robidišče. I can talk about the activities we conducted, but it was more than that. It was a deep sense of belonging and acceptance. It was women supporting and learning and teaching and growing. And of course we ate and drank and made gnocchi and had desserts. But moreover we laid a foundation for the sisterhood here. Watch out!!"
Valerija ❤
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